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Alcohol And Dental Health

Posted on 7/4/2022 by Dr. Cheryl Freeman
Alcohol And Dental HealthAlcohol consumption forms the primary part of our leisure activities. While moderate alcohol consumption does not pose negative implications, excessive alcohol intake has proved to be extremely detrimental in affecting one's body condition. For starters, alcohol plays a huge part in damaging the liver and brain and ultimately affects blood sugar levels. Most people fail to recognize the impacts alcohol has on their mouth; believe me, excessive alcohol consumption negatively impacts oral health.

Gum Disease

Consumption of alcohol leads to dehydration of the body as it inhibits ADH production. ADH is a chemical responsible for regulating the amount of urine one excretes; hence when one drinks alcohol, the kidney excretes a lot of water leading to body dehydration. When your body is dehydrated, so is your mouth; hence a low quantity of saliva is produced. Therefore, the dry environment created is a perfect breeding site for bacteria to work on, leading to bleeding gums and other dental infections.

Tooth Decay

As mentioned above, alcohol intake leads to mouth dehydration. Under normal circumstances, saliva is produced in optimal quantities in the mouth to wash away bacteria settling on the enamel. When your mouth is dehydrated, low volumes of saliva are produced, which gives the bacteria enough time to cause infections such as tooth decay. It's advisable to always alternate drinking alcohol with water to ensure your mouth is hydrated and avoid tooth decay infections.

Alcohol contains sugar, which, when metabolized by the bacteria in the mouth, leads to the production of acids. When the acids are left unattended, they eat away the enamel leading to the contraction of tooth decay infections.

Offering Care

Alcohol harms one's dental health, especially when taken in excess. At our offices, we foster the education of people on the relationship between alcohol and their mouth to help them make rational choices during their leisure.

Visit our offices for more information on alcohol's relationship with dental health. Call us today and book an appointment.

Randolph Center for Dental Excellence
Dr. Bryan Freeman and Dr. Cheryl Freeman

(336) 444-2772

134 Davis Street
Asheboro, NC 27203-5469

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