Baby bottle tooth decay is dental caries in children. It is also known as nursing bottle caries, it affects the baby teeth if no proper oral hygiene for the baby. Our dentists will examine your child when you come for dental visits to prevent dental caries.
Causes of baby bottle tooth decay
This condition is when infants and babies experience tooth decay and this affects the front teeth. When you expose your baby to sugary foods and drinks they are likely to have dental caries. The baby can also have it if you put the baby to bed with bottle in the mouth or when you use a bottle as a pacifier mainly when your child is fussy. Studies show that if the teeth are soaked in any other liquid apart from water they are likely to decay. If you don't have adequate fluoride, then the teeth might decay. The disease of tooth decay is passed from mother to the child through saliva that has cavity causing bacteria.
Symptoms of baby bottle tooth decay
The first signs of baby bottle tooth decay are the white spots on teeth and on gum line of upper from teeth. The white spots may not be visible to you and a dental visit can help in spotting them before they become severe. Schedule dental visits regularly, you can also note that the child is in pain and have discomfort in mouth, the baby tooth decay can lead to loss of permanent teeth or loss of space needed for them to can also develop infections that can lead to other issues.
Baby bottle tooth decay is irreversible and the enamel can easily be treated. The dentist will come up with a suitable plan that will treat the decay problem of your child. Visit us and we will treat the tooth decay of your child.
Randolph Center for Dental Excellence Dr. Bryan Freeman and Dr. Cheryl Freeman
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