Acupuncture is an alternative medical practice that involves inserting very thin needles under the skin to activate energy channels linked to various body regions. This practice dates back to about 100 BC and is widely used in traditional Chinese medicine. Among the many diseases used for acupuncture, its most well-known effects include alleviating nausea, muscle tension, and pain.
The Familiarity of Dentists with Acupuncture.
Many dentists would benefit from learning more about acupuncture and its medical applications. Myofascial discomfort, especially that caused by TMDs or severe gag reflexes, is notoriously difficult to cure. Therefore, it is remarkable that acupuncture, which has been practiced for thousands of years, is more successful than a placebo or conventional therapy.
Acupuncture Benefits
When treating musculoskeletal issues, headaches and migraines, gagging, sinusitis, dry mouth, dental anxiety, and pain, acupuncture is a safe treatment with no severe side effects. The patient will only lose a little if the medical method fails because of its low cost, small risk, and simplicity of learning.
Acupuncture is equally likely to be included in the treatment plan of patients referred to secondary care for severe gag reflex or myofascial pain. The credibility of the evidence supporting acupuncture has been questioned for quite some time. However, more dentists might start using this straightforward method if it were more widely known and recognized as therapy assistance and enhanced patient satisfaction.
How Quickly does Acupuncture Therapy for Tooth Pain Work?
The time and number of sessions required are variable and determined by how well the treatment is received. Some patients respond with quick, noticeable results after just one or two sessions, while others require more time and multiple clinic visits to feel any change. How severe your toothache also influences when you should start acupuncture treatment.
Schedule an Appointment
We can assist if you have a toothache, jaw pain, or other oral distress. We are dedicated to setting the bar extremely high for integrated care. Contact us by phone, email, or text to schedule an appointment or send us a note.
Randolph Center for Dental Excellence Dr. Bryan Freeman and Dr. Cheryl Freeman
Dental Blog | Dentist Asheboro, NC | Randolph Center for Dental Excellence Drs. Bryan Freeman & Cheryl Freeman are offering this educational blog as a resource to the great Asheboro, NC community. Click here to read our latest posts! Randolph Center for Dental Excellence, 134 Davis Street, Asheboro, NC 27203 : (336) 444-2772 : : 1/21/2025 : Related Phrases: dentist Asheboro NC :