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Causes Of Weak Gums

Posted on 3/6/2023 by Dr. Cheryl Freeman
Causes Of Weak GumsMany symptoms can caution you when you have weak gums, for example, pain near the gum lines and sensitivity to cold, heat, or sweets. It will be best to watch out for these signs to detect the issue early and visit the dentist.

The dentist will identify the reason for weak gums and find the best solution. The shocking news is that you may be the reason you have soft gums. Continue reading to know the causes of weak gums:

Brushing Aggressively

The type of toothbrush you use may contribute to having weak gums. You may use a hard toothbrush, which is harsh on your gums.

Another thing is the way you brush your teeth. You need to ask the dentist about the steps to follow when brushing your teeth. You should avoid touching too hard to ensure you don't harm your gums.

Smoking And Chewing Tobacco

Tobacco use is harmful to overall oral health. It will help if you minimize or avoid smoking or chewing tobacco for better health. Using tobacco makes it difficult for gums to heal due to a lack of oxygen in the bloodstream. Smoking tobacco also causes plaque around the gums, leading to more severe gum diseases. It may be hard to treat weak gums when you continue using tobacco.

Poor Oral Hygiene

You need to observe your overall oral hygiene if you want to have strong gums. Poor oral hygiene is the most common contributing factor to weak gums. You will develop gum recession and later lose some of your teeth.

To avoid all these, you must take care of your teeth and clean them regularly. Also, visit the dentist often to ensure they see the problems early. Talk to our dentist to learn more about the causes of weak gums.

Randolph Center for Dental Excellence
Dr. Bryan Freeman and Dr. Cheryl Freeman

(336) 444-2772

134 Davis Street
Asheboro, NC 27203-5469

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