You Should Always Use a Mouthwash Free from Alcohol
Posted on 12/19/2022 by Dr. Cheryl Freeman
Did you know most mouthwashes on the market today contain alcohol? The type of alcohol used, called ethanol, allows the oils to mix with the water base. Essentially, ethanol acts as a preservative. Even though mouthwash manufacturers do not include much alcohol into the mouthwash, a small amount can have negative effects.
Oral Cancer Risks and Other Considerations
If you rinse your mouth with mouthwash that contains alcohol, you will probably experience a slight burning sensation. Some believe this sensation is proof that the mouthwash is doing something. However, things may be happening in your mouth that you don't expect.
Using a mouthwash that contains alcohol can possibly put you at a greater risk for developing oral cancer. In addition, some studies suggest the alcohol component provides little additional benefit in terms of plaque and gingivitis reduction. Mouthwashes with alcohol as an ingredient also destroy all the bacteria in your mouth. This includes both good and bad bacteria. Without the good bacteria, an imbalance of bacteria can actually give you bad breath. Ironically, this is one of the top reasons why people choose to use mouthwash, to combat stinky breath. With this information in hand, we suggest our patients use a mouthwash free from alcohol.
Alcohol-free Mouthwash
There are several alcohol free mouthwashes that are available. These options can help prevent dental diseases as well as freshen breath. Although these are glowing benefits, it is important to maintain a daily habit of good oral hygiene. Continue brushing and flossing, and if you're going to use mouthwash, choose an alcohol free version.
We would love to discuss mouthwash and other dental care routines at your regularly scheduled visits. We want to do all we can to help you improve your oral health.
Randolph Center for Dental Excellence Dr. Bryan Freeman and Dr. Cheryl Freeman
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